When Mark Studenny was caught with 500 pictures of child porn on

When Mark Studenny was caught with 500 pictures of child porn on his computer, the former Air Force captain turned dentist seemingly did everything a cultural pariah can do to get back into society’s good graces. According to the P-I, Studenny, who had no prior criminal record before being busted, immediately sought treatment and got passing marks from a therapist, who wrote that he had “no sexual interest towards children of any age.” But living down the kiddie porn tag is a necessarily tough slog. As evidenced by the backlash to news that Studenny is now free to get his license back.Studenny was caught and convicted in Texas back in 2007, which immediately revoked his license for life. But thanks to a technicality, last month Washington’s Department of Health ruled that the 34-year-old can get his papers back here so long as he passes his exams, doesn’t treat kids and doesn’t violate his probation.”This guy had 500 images of child pornography on his computer. He was convicted for that. It’s reason enough to pull his license,” a former dentist who first heard Studenny’s case told the P-I.It’s understandable why a guy who works the same beat as Studenny would be upset. But it’s also hard to knock the guy for wanting to earn for his family doing the one thing he knows how to do. And Studenny has apparently wasted no time getting back into the tooth-and-gum game. The P-I was able to track him to a dental clinic in Kent. But neither the clinic’s owner nor Studenny’s probation officer will say exactly what he’s doing there.