Well, it seems our local weather people got the forecast a bit

Well, it seems our local weather people got the forecast a bit wrong. You know that big snowstorm headed into the midwest (Kansas, MO) – well we were only supposed to get a light dusting here in the metro area of Iowa – maybe 2 tenths of an inch. Then on the morning news at 5:00 AM I hear now we could get an inch. Next thing you know Keith and I are up and getting ready for our day and the snow starts falling – I mean really coming down. Before you know it Keith and I are out standing in the snow waiting for his bus in snow up to our ankles. I’ve heard so far we’ve had 5 inches. Then I see on the noon news that we are having a little “break” and we are to expect another 3 to 4 inches. Well it has started in snowing here again and I’m praying my guys get home safely. Snowblower is still broke so I spent a good part of my morning out shoveling and can see I will have to do same tonight. Thank goodness Bill bought me own set of Carhartt bibs a few years back. They certainly do keep me warm while clearing snow.

My cold has improved a bit since last I wrote. I no longer feel like I have concrete in my sinuses which is a good thing. Now if I could get rid of this non-stop coughing. I have muscles I didn’t know I had sore from coughing so much.

On a good note yesterday I received this little heart shaped pottery bowl I ordered from Etsy. It is only 3 1/2 inches total in diameter. Is the cutest little thing and is perfect for putting rings in when working in the kitchen. Would also make an adorable “snippets bowl” for those thread tails.

As hoped, I managed to put a few stitches in something last night. I started this new little freebie pattern that I got on Pinterest. I love that when turned sideways the tree spells Boo. Just didn’t trust myself not to make a mistake on one of my large more labor intensive pieces. I’m looking forward to working on this piece again tonight as it is turning into a very quick stitch.