“We literally are stunned by the support you have shown in less

“We literally are stunned by the support you have shown in less than four days, it’s incredible and we humbly thank you,” Fantagraphics co-founder Gary Groth triumphantly wrote today as the local comic book publisher’s Kickstarter whizzed by its $150,000 goal only a week after launching the fundraiser.

As of right now, the numbers are still going up, with $153,000 raised and 22 days left in the campaign. Although the company has already surpassed its goal, don’t let that stop you from donating more to snag one of the 39 titles they’ve got posted as prizes.

The campaign to save the publisher’s 2014 spring/summer collection came after the death of co-founder Kim Thompson this June, who was responsible for translating and editing much of the company’s European titles.

Fantagraphics affiliate and local comix king Peter Bagge is also launching his own Kickstarter. He’s hoping to fund a British live action feature length adaptation of his Dark Horse Comics series “Apocalypse Nerd,” a story about two men who go on a poorly timed vacation in the wilderness of the Northwest that unfortuantely coincides with the end of the world. Seattle gets destroyed after a North Korean nuclear strike, leaving the computer programming and drug dealing protaganists to fend for themselves in the woods. The British adaptation will be filmed in the forests of Scotland.