(Transportation Research Board)My mom is a teacher and with school in Spokane

(Transportation Research Board)My mom is a teacher and with school in Spokane closed due to the bucket loads of snow dumping on the city in the East (not here, damn), she’s got some time to kill at home. She just sent an e-mail saying that with snow falling faster than city crews can keep up, only main roads are being plowed and huge snow berms are landing in front of driveways. She thought she caught a quick snippet on the local news saying that if you can’t shovel yourself out, call this number and inmates from Geiger Corrections Center will be bussed out to get the white stuff off your driveway.I called up the Krem 2 newsroom and turns out she heard that right, they’ll clear it out for you. The number for anyone reading this on the other side of the Cascade Curtain is 509-477-3600.