The high cost of just about everything these days put craft beers

The high cost of just about everything these days put craft beers on notice, and after suffering major losses over the last year, local publicly-traded brewer Pyramid finally decided to sell to privately-held East Coast brewer Magic Hat. The sale isn’t scheduled to be finalized until the end of the summer, so in the meantime, stockholders have to weather the continuing storm at Pyramid. And last night, the company reported that it’s not just the high price of hops that’s hurting the bottom line.In April, Pyramid settled a suit with alehouse workers in California, claiming they were denied meals and other breaks, for $1.3 million. The settlement was part of an overall $2.1 million loss during the first three months of 2008. It’s a hit, but with a much needed boost from the merger on the horizon, CEO Scott Barnum has high hopes for the future: