The dwindling pie of the recession–or of the recovery-in-name-only–pits city against city,

The dwindling pie of the recession–or of the recovery-in-name-only–pits city against city, neighbor against neighbor, and now, human against raccoon. So reports My Ballard: Over the weekend, a raccoon attacked almost the entire Silverstein family–Ma, Pa, and dog. Fortunately, the couple’s weeks-old baby was spared, but the rest had to get rabies and tetanus shotsThis sort of ugliness is yet another of our contributions to the Rapture Index. Speaking of which, when end days come, what happens to pets? Will they, too, be left behind? A group of atheists offers, in all their secular humanistic goodness, to take on the little creatures even as the fires arrive. But that may be long off; this, by contrast, is now: