The DatamasterThe drunk-driving test results of Miss Jane Springman, AKA King County Council member Jane Hague, have been tossed by a judge, the Times reports today — although it?s more correct to say the Datamaster test numbers were merely re-tossed. Redmond District Court Judge Peter Nault suppressed the .135 and .141 breath alcohol readings July 30 in front of a confused King County deputy prosecutor and a wiley Hague defense attorney, a major score in her effort to disprove the officers she cussed out for arresting her. Yesterday?s hearing was in effect an opportunity for new special prosecutor Lynn Moberly to get the test results reinstated, and she failed. Nault has long believed the consent warnings given to drunk-test candidates are constitutionally inadequate, and attorneys go looking for him when their clients? high readings need suppressing. Nault is becoming so zealous about suppressing numbers that he asked the media yesterday not to publish Hague?s failed test scores. Since they’ve already been published and rest forever in Google’s heart, that would seem, to paraphrase a drunk and staggering county council member, ?fucking ridiculous.”