Sign Language

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)It’s amazing how some people’s stories change when they’re backed into a corner. Why would you trust someone so slippery, when they’ve already proven that they’ll reveal some portion of an inconvenient, embarrassing, or shameful truth only when they feel they have no other choice? While it’s important to generally give people the benefit of the doubt, and mostly be trusting instead of suspicious, in this case a little cynical wariness is warranted. “Innocent until proven guilty” is a fine bottom line, but once proven a little guilty, it’s OK to assume there’s a high likelihood of greater guilt, at least until you get evidence to the contrary.Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)When people put on blinders and engage in the kind of tunnel vision you’re somewhat famous for, they can inadvertently be so insensitive or clueless that they’re actually downright cruel. Since you know how it is to engage in single-minded, even obsessive, behavior, a cautionary word from you might be better received than from someone with more reason to be self-righteous. I’m a big fan of intensity—but I think there’s room even in that to hold onto a bare minimum of human decency. Since someone you know may be having a hard time hanging on to theirs, give them a hand.Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)It sucks when the rules get changed after the game’s begun. You’re willing to jump into any challenging situation and work it until things work out in your favor; however, that’s difficult to do when the parameters of your circumstances mutate constantly and unpredictably. However, instead of harping (justifiably) on the unfairness of it all, you need to accept what’s happening and work with it nevertheless. You can still win this game—as long as you’re not determined to play it how you thought it ought to be played before you began. As mentioned, the rules have changed and may continue to do so. Adapt. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)Yes, much of the little shit you have to deal with right now is annoying. No one contests that. However, it’s all little shit. In the grand scheme of things, your frustration’s actually a luxury. The only reason you’re getting worked up about this crap is because you’re lucky enough to not have more serious stuff to worry about. That’s a blessing. Remember that, and see if you can let more, if not all, of this trivial crap slide. These tiny, nagging issues are, weirdly, signs of just how great your life is. Isn’t it about time you noticed?Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)Trying to get through some situations without pissing anyone off is, quite simply, impossible. In fact, attempting to avoid anger may have negative repercussions: Fear of rage or conflict may end up leading you down exactly the worst possible path through these circumstances, or simply make matters worse (and people more angry). You must resign yourself to bearing the brunt of others’ fury no matter what, and concentrate instead on trying to find the smartest and/or most honorable route here. Then, when people get pissed, at least you’ll know you’ve done the right thing (or as close to it as possible). Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)Don’t shit where you sleep . . . or where you work, eat, love, or live. It’s all too easy to mess up what you’ve got with a moment of hormone-induced stupidity (perhaps losing your temper, or hooking up with someone you shouldn’t), especially right now. Draw strong, clear lines between the different parts of your life and forbid yourself to cross them. I know you love bending and breaking rules, especially ones like these—and you can, later. Right now, though, keep everything behind its own wall, no matter the temptation to tear those walls down. What’s one wall? Not much. But these are all connected. Rip one down, and they’ll all tumble to the ground; good luck finding something you recognize while picking through all that rubble.

Aries (March 21-April 19)You’re in a prime position to be a scapegoat, taking the blame for something that’s not actually your responsibility. Naturally, I can understand your desire to vociferously protest such an unfair burden, but unfortunately your arguments are only likely to make you look guiltier, instead of more innocent. That’s right, you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t.  Therefore, spare yourself the effort. Simply bite your tongue and take whatever happens with a grain of salt, remembering and taking comfort in the truth, even if you’re the only one who knows or believes it.Taurus (April 20-May 20)Let the punishment, if there is to be one, fit the crime. Resist the temptation to climb up on a righteous pedestal when you’re wronged, and spew forth your justified wrath. It’s not as though you’ve never screwed up. Therefore, don’t get carried away trying to make someone pay for their mistakes. In fact, your best bet might be to surprise everyone by simply being gracious, forgiving, and just letting it go. The nice thing about that is, it takes a whole lot less effort and energy than seeking justice, and despite depriving you of revenge or validation, will ultimately yield better (in terms of enjoyment and satisfaction) results than getting up on your soapbox ever could.Gemini (May 21-June 20)While breaking up with someone on Facebook may be bitchily satisfying and incredibly entertaining for the spectators involved, it’s also much crueler than a private face-to-face chat would have been. Your job as a human being is to first own and be aware of your feelings, and then clearly share them with those they concern in the least hurtful way possible. While my Facebook example is rather more extreme than what you were considering, my point remains: you still haven’t hit on the kindest way to communicate what’s on your mind. Don’t use that as an excuse to procrastinate, but do try to find a sweeter way.  Cancer (June 21-July 22)While it’s certainly nice, noble, and even occasionally brave to explain your reasons for doing or feeling something, it’s not always necessary. Sometimes all anyone needs to know is what your decision is, not the logic or emotions behind it. In this case it’s simpler to stick to the facts, avoiding details. Nothing good or useful will come of a lengthier explanation. Just tell those who need to know what you’ve decided, and then politely but firmly change the subject. If they can’t let it go, leave. They can go on demanding clarification and answers from the walls if they want.Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)Things take as long as they take, and they simply can’t be rushed. Even though we rationally know this, it’s not as easy to accept and move past the emotions that come along with. However, that’s this week’s challenge: being patient despite your impatience. Indulging your desire to hurry will not only not move you faster down the path you wish to go, it may ironically cause greater delays, and undo some of the good work you’ve already done. So take a deep breath, do the stuff you need to be doing, and wait it out.Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)There are many cool things I wish I had time to pursue. But I know I wouldn’t enjoy them unless I could devote enough time and energy to do them justice. It’s frustrating and annoying to do stuff when you can’t give it your all—something that happens when you spread yourself too thin, as you have lately. Taking more on may seem like a terrible idea, but that all depends on what it is you take on—and what you let go of. If you feel called to add something new to your life, go for it—but make sure you let go of at least three of the balls you’re already juggling, so you can give this one the attention it