Sign Language

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)Your attention span is relatively long. You can stick to one thing and see it concluded, whereas many need breaks or are unable to finish at all. This can, naturally, be incredibly frustrating when you’re supposed to be working collaboratively with people who simply lack your work ethic or capabilities. You’re left either waiting for them to catch up, or forging ahead anyway. Which you choose is up to you, but I can tell you what not to do: call them out. Being a team player means letting them get credit for work you did, or covering for them if you have to pick up the slack—and being that team player is more important right now than any other consideration. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)Waiting until things are right down to the wire is very exciting, and often leads to inspired leaps of resourcefulness and nearly miraculous improvisation. However, it can also spell disaster, or make you look really bad. This is one of those scenarios where you must weigh the risks and measure the rewards of your procrastination. If the rewards don’t outweigh the risk, get off your ass and get things done with time to spare. On the other hand, if you’ve truly got better things to do, then any consequences you suffer as a result of your deadline-taunting will be well worth it, won’t they?Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)You’re adorable, even if you’re not model-beautiful. Every Pisces has something eminently lovable about him or her. That might be true about almost everyone on the planet, if you look hard enough, but for some reasons that quirky appeal is easier to spot on you. Work it. It’s your way in to whatever door you want opened. Of course, the first step to such a strategy is figuring out just what’s so cute about yourself. If you don’t already know, try to find out this week. Most Pisces, when they learn what others find most appealing about them, are truly surprised—but can’t deny such knowledge is a valuable source of power. Aries (March 21-April 19)I rarely lose my temper, but when I do, I do it right. Man, it feels good—and it makes me feel most decidedly like one of you Rams. You’re actually some of the most laid-back people I know, but when you do get pissed off, everyone around you knows it. You certainly have no problem expressing it. I think that’s pretty healthy, most of the time. Becoming vexed about every little thing that goes wrong would be bad, but letting yourself be angry about the stuff that matters to you is better than repressing it. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that. If someone you know has trouble letting themselves go there this week, do what you can to help them along. Taurus (April 20-May 20)When in conflict with someone, you could charge in headlong and attempt to resolve it as swiftly and decisively as possible, or attempt to avoid that person altogether, or employ any number of strategies that fall somewhere in between these extremes. Weirdly enough, though—this isn’t about you. When considering which tactic is best, mostly disregard your own personal feelings and figure out which resolution would minimize the negative impact of your disagreement on the innocent bystanders all around you, who really deserve such kind consideration more than either of you. Gemini (May 21-June 20)You’re not usually a control freak, but every once in a while that button gets pushed, and suddenly it’s your way or the highway. Fortunately, this happens so rarely that people will usually either humor you or obey out of pure shock. Just because it’s not especially common, however, doesn’t mean it’s not something you should work on, especially because once in a while it could make people uncomfortable or downright angry—like this week. Ironically, your lack of control issues has made you less adept at quietly dealing with them when they do crop up. Nevertheless, that’s your challenge this week. Cancer (June 21-July 22)Be grateful! Sometimes you get so caught up in the two things that are going wrong that you forget to notice, appreciate, and say thanks for the 23 things that are going more or less right. Want a surefire way to make shit go from bad to worse? Keep focusing on the couple of negative things to the exclusion of all else, and failing to offer your gratitude to those around you for all they do manage to do right. Downward spiral, here you come! Of course, it’s so easy to turn around—just make a special point of really noticing all the wonderful stuff that’s going on.Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)You can be a bit snobbish, and that’s OK. No one’s perfect, and you, like everyone else, are free to choose whom you want to associate with. However, when you start to project your snobbery on someone else, you’ve gone too far, both in assuming they share your values and in not allowing them to form their own judgments and opinions. Bite your tongue, you catty thing! Let others draw their own conclusions. They may very well end up in the same place you are—your own opinions aren’t coming out of nowhere, after all. But if they don’t, just leave them be. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)Assuming you have or will ever have kids, accepting them for whatever they turn out to be should be a no-brainer, even if it’s nothing like what you’d hoped for them. Of course, everyone knows parents who simply can’t put aside their own selfish desires to notice what’s wonderful about their surprising and unpredictable offspring. This is true of all kinds of progeny, not just the type that springs from your loins. Many vivid creations can evolve in unprecedented and astonishing directions; if you’re not too busy being selfish, controlling, or shortsighted, you’ll realize just how delightful that is. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)Drop the scales, Libra. Keeping tabs on everything that passes between you and those you know is not only exhausting, it’s pointless and counterproductive. I’m not just talking about vengeful payback when you’ve been wronged—in which case the wisest course is forgive and forget—but also feeling as if you must match the generosity you’re lucky enough to receive. While it’s nice to be as generous as you can afford to be, you should under no circumstances feel any indebtedness when accepting a gift, which is surely offered without expectation of reciprocation; indeed, the givers would probably be appalled if they thought you felt so obligated. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)Once a gift’s given, it’s a terrible idea to ask for it back, no matter the circumstances. If you can’t truly let something go, you shouldn’t offer it in the first place. Naturally, keep that in mind for all future gifting—and get it in your head for all the stuff you’ve already given, and perhaps later regretted.  Don’t act on those regrets, no matter how powerful they are—and for someone as passionate as you are, that can be very powerful indeed. You want to create more of a problem or greater regrets? Try to take back something you’ve given. Trust me, don’t go there. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)You’re so confident and strong that you can sometimes conveniently forget about moments of weakness you’ve suffered in your past, or admit them to anyone else. However, this is depriving yourself of a great source of that very strength you’re so proud of, as well as needlessly keeping secret something valuable and insightful from those you love. Your truly low moments—and the way you moved past and through them—are something special. If you can think of them as gifts you give to the people you adore, they will be exactly that.