Sign Language

Leo  (July 23-Aug. 22)Being blamed for something you’re not actually responsible for can be a terrible thing, especially when it’s not easy to disprove. I wish you could just let this roll off your back, but unfortunately in this case, even if you can successfully not care, the consequences aren’t so easily shed. You know the truth, though, and eventually that will win out—just not as soon as you’d wish. Don’t waste a lot of time being indignant. Stay calm, be forgiving, and maintain patience—these are the keys to your sanity right now. Don’t lose them or throw them away.Virgo  (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)Everyone’s suffered some trauma from painful events they’ve experienced. Some, of course, are worse than others, but you can rest assured that virtually everyone you’ve encountered (unless they’re very new or lucky) has had to get over something (probably with varying degrees of success), not just you. It’s important that you come to these scenarios with as little of your own baggage as possible, so you can better deal with theirs. How successfully you can release the negative feelings associated with your own past is a factor in how good your present experiences are likely to be.Libra  (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)You can’t often save someone from themselves, it’s true—but that shouldn’t stop you from trying. If a friend is engaged in self-destructive behavior, you should at least attempt to intervene. Naturally, they have to be a willing collaborator to truly fix the situation, but knowing someone’s keen to be there for them can go a long way toward making them ready to try. Don’t let the messiness of the situation—or the potentially long road ahead—keep you from sincerely making the offer. Not only will you be glad you did later, for various reasons, but if you don’t, it’s quite likely to come back to bite you in the ass.Scorpio  (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)I admire your willingness to not throw in the towel the second things get rough, but before you commit to a long, dreary slog of hard work, honestly evaluate how much (or how little) you’ve actually invested already, and the true potential of the situation—is it really worth it? Sometimes it’s best for all concerned if you just cut things off and get a fresh start somewhere else. Only you can tell which category this scenario falls into—a situation with tremendous potential that’s hit a rough patch, or something that’s just too much effort for what you’re likely to get out of it. Honestly figuring that out is this week’s top priority.Sagittarius  (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)You Archers are rarely hoarders; in fact, many of you relish casting off stuff from your past. Throwing shit out can be joyfully freeing. However, at times you’ve regretted, later, some of the things you ditched. I’m not asking you to start lining your rooms with piles of junk, just in case, but evaluate how much space such things are actually taking up before you toss them in the trash. Can they happily reside out of sight and out of the way, in a box in your basement for a while? If so, consider that alternative.Capricorn  (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)It’s one thing to keep kids in the dark or on a need-to-know basis about certain information; it’s quite another to treat someone who’s purportedly your equal this way. I’m not talking about the truly harmless white lies that keep many a relationship afloat; I refer instead to truly deceptive behavior (sometimes simply by withholding information that would be important to the person in question [perhaps because you fear their reaction to it]). Full disclosure about everything can sink an otherwise happy boat, as you know, but that’s not what we’re talking about here. Important stuff needs to be said. Say it.Aquarius  (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)You’ve heard the expression “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.” The idea is that if you decide to be greedy and go for more than you have, you could end up with nothing. Given the current state of affairs, you should focus on being content with what you’ve got, if it’s enough to get by (financially, emotionally, etc.) for now, instead of actively pursuing more—which could get you in trouble you can’t really afford. Chill out and focus on the amazing abundance in your life (it’s there, if you choose to notice it), instead of obsessing about whatever’s missing.Pisces  (Feb. 19-March 20)People worry about the most absurd shit. It may shock you sometimes, the things you do that offend someone’s sensibilities or make them uncomfortable. You’re right and they’re “wrong”; these things really don’t matter in the grand scheme of things. However, they do appear to matter to them. Since you actually don’t care that much one way or another, humor them, no matter how silly or “pointless” it seems. This will go a long way toward making your life easier and happier; as it’s really no big deal to you, I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t.Aries  (March 21-April 19)You’re not a grudge-holder, generally. When you have something to say, you say it—then you move on, and usually forget all about it. That’s just fantastic. However, other people aren’t so good at getting things off their chests. They can hang onto things forever, things you wouldn’t waste more than a day or three thinking about and dealing with. That means they can really catch you off-guard when they finally reveal (probably through roundabout, passive-aggressive means) that they’re still pissed off about that thing that happened last month or last year. Try not to get too vexed about how silly they are for going there, after all this time. That won’t help. Pretend this thing just happened yesterday, for the sake of keeping the peace, and rectify the situation.

Taurus  (April 20-May 20)Some things are worth saving; you recognize that even if they have no value (or even negative value) now, they may prove quite worthwhile later, and you’ll be glad you tucked them away in an attic for a time when you might want to see them again. However, you Bulls can take this to extremes, and end up with cluttered lives and/or living spaces. That suits you right down to the ground, but isn’t necessarily so nice for anyone who shares your life or home. Being fair about the situation will probably mean making some concessions and letting go of stuff you’d rather not. However, unless you’re willing to let go of your loved one, instead, I’d suggest you do so without complaint.Gemini  (May 21-June 20)It can take some people ages to fully acknowledge and admit to their desires, particularly if they’re unconventional. Owning that they’re attracted to fat, old people, for example, isn’t something people can usually be open about early in their lives. So they go through the motions pretending to want a skinny young thing, because that’s what they’re “supposed” to want. Naturally, this never ends particularly well. You Geminis, who so often have paradoxically conflicting desires, are especially susceptible to this self-deception. Is that what’s going on here? When will you admit to—and pursue—what you really want? Let’s just hope that by then it’s not too late.Cancer  (June 21-July 22)What you think you know about someone may be so far off-base it’s on another planet. Sometimes your “knowledge” is based on assumptions you shouldn’t have made; occasionally, it’s the result of outright lies you’ve been told. Regardless, when the truth comes out, it’s liable to be shocking. The more quickly you can get over your surprise and react from a conscious, thoughtful place, the less potentially messy and hurtful this situation will be. If you think you’re going to flip out, excuse yourself until you have a chance to chill out—for everyone’s