Sign Language

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)Sometimes what’s “right” changes, based on context and evolving circumstances. But often it’s just as right now as it was then—only now you have the power, courage, and tools to actually do something about it. And so you should. Not repeating the mistakes you made (or would have made) back then is important, so this time approach the situation with all your wisdom and experience informing the choices you make and actions you take. If you enter the situation with all your hard-won patience, humor, and grace, I think you’ll be pleased by how well it goes—certainly a hell of a lot better than it would have played out even a few years ago.Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)If you hang out with someone long enough, you’re bound to get bored by or annoyed at something, eventually. Of course, experience should tell you that although the grass on the other side of the fence sure looks greener, it won’t seem so green close up, so ditching what you’ve got over here to hop the fence and check it out will only be trading in one set of annoyances for another. Over here may not be “as good as it gets,” but it’s surely “as good as it’s likely to get,” so learning to truly appreciate that is definitely in your best interest. If you really can’t, move on. You’ll appreciate it once you’ve been away awhile—of course, by then it’ll be too late. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)Going above and beyond the call of duty for the sake of the peace (or someone’s ego) is all well and good, but you should only go so far past that line. An extra hour out of your day isn’t a big deal in the grand scheme of things, if that’s what it takes, but at some point you need to draw a line and stick to it, lest you venture into truly crazy or ridiculous territory. Of course you want to be generous and accommodating, but silly, desperate, or insane are much less flattering labels—avoid them.

Aries (March 21-April 19)People do cruel things to avoid confrontation. Voice-mail breakups, phone-text confessions, and bathroom-window date escapes all seem easier than actually just saying what must be said, face to face. That kind of cowardice isn’t in your nature, though—one of the reasons people love and trust you. Don’t take the easy way out of this situation, either, even if following the more ethical and conscientious path is more stressful and upsetting. It’s still the right thing to do—and you wouldn’t be the amazing person you are if you didn’t at least try to do it.Taurus (April 20-May 20)Most mothers wean their children off breast milk at a reasonably early age, but the kids don’t seem to mind, as their palate has suddenly expanded to include tons of other interesting flavors. Although it’s more difficult to wean yourself from the thing you’ve become accustomed to—mostly because you don’t have a mother more or less giving you no choice—you should anyway, because like that child’s, your world will suddenly grow much bigger, more varied, and interesting once you do. It’ll be hard, without outside intervention, to gradually diminish your habits—so for you I’m afraid the best bet is stubbornly going cold turkey. Start now. Gemini (May 21-June 20)For someone with such a clever tongue, tact is not always your forte. While your Libra cousins will take such great pains to not offend that they’ll sometimes almost say nothing at all, you occasionally blurt out truths that just piss people off. I would hate it if you bit your tongue—this stuff has to be said, after all. But employing a little diplomacy would definitely be in your best interest. Don’t even contemplate censoring yourself. But absolutely consider editing yourself, so that what you have to say gets said in the best (kindest and most effective) way.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)Deceitful people may deserve to be deceived in turn, but that doesn’t mean you should become the deceiver. You’re better than that, or should be. Absolutely abstain from giving them any more of your time and energy, of course, but other than that, just be content with simply forgetting what’s happened and moving on in a positive way. Let them get their well-deserved comeuppances elsewhere. Karma’s a bitch; it’ll bite them eventually. Trust in that while you hold yourself in check; better yet, just distract yourself so thoroughly that you don’t have a thought to spare for that lousy chapter.Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)You like to get your way. Of course, growing up we learn that we can’t always have our own way, and you’ve had your share of those lessons. They haven’t always stuck, though, and every once in a while you stubbornly insist on making things go your way. Your loving friends often humor you so you don’t even necessarily notice how much others accommodate you. If people dig in their heels this week, though, consider backing off for once and doing things someone else wants (without being pouty or resentful), expressing the easy good-humored grace you’ve often enjoyed from others.Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)If you discover a secret without being particularly nosy, you have to consider the possibility that someone wanted it to be exposed. Obviously, if you crossed generally established lines of privacy to gain access to this knowledge, you’re probably at fault, but otherwise this information is yours to do with as you will. That includes acting on it, keeping the secret, or using it to further your own agenda. However, when trying to decide what to do with this new-found information, try to consider the path that will ultimately do the most good. If you can walk that, it’d be a very kind gift indeed—and the holidays are upon us. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)Holidays are a time when people frequently disrespect or simply ignore others’ boundaries (often with the best intentions). For you Libras, who loathe loaded confrontations, this can be a very trying time, because sometimes it seems as though the only way to put these people back in their place is by blowing up at them. There are other ways, however, and this week you must strive to find them, for the sake of general harmony and your own peace of mind. Aim for a laugh from the guilty party—if you can’t achieve that, go for minimum potential humiliation. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)Misleading by omission is a classic sneaky strategy people frequently employ when they want to get you to do something you’d surely refuse if you knew all the details. Luckily, your tingly Scorpio Senses should be quite attuned to this kind of thing right now, so don’t ignore them when they go off. There’s no need to be overly suspicious or guarded; there’s a way to discover more without putting up walls or pointing fingers. Just sweetly ask questions to get to the bottom of things and figure out what the deal really is, before you agree to anything. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)Being so good-natured, you’re often completely willing to ignore (and probably privately have a chuckle over) others’ faux pas or social shortcomings, and simply enjoy their other, better qualities. Some of your nitpickier friends or family, though, might have a harder time wrapping their heads around this stuff. Be the diplomat this week. You may not be as ideally suited for it as those savvy Libras or friendly Aquarians, but you certainly have the tools you need—humor, fairness, and a discerning mind. That may not be true of anyone else present, so it’s up to you—use the tools you’ve got to make things