Rep. Glenn Anderson (R-Fall City) made a funny on Friday when he

Rep. Glenn Anderson (R-Fall City) made a funny on Friday when he offered a joke amendment to the current medical-marijuana legislation that would have given subsidies for stoned pot patients to order pizzas with. Too bad marijuana advocates are known for being sad, humorless individuals. Steve Elliott reports at Toke of the Town today that Anderson proposed the amendment to SB 5073 that would have covered all pizzas up to three toppings, while drawing the line at delivery fees and driver tips.Anderson supports the bill, and in fact says he believes that most of the lawmakers in Olympia have smoked weed at least once today in their lives. Obviously Mr. Anderson is not aware that pot advocates, unlike normal stoners, have no sense of humor.But as humorous as some folks might find Anderson’s pizza-subsidy amendment, pot advocates aren’t laughing.Steve Sarich, the narcissistic, gun-toting owner of the CannaCare medical pot-provider network, is taking the sourpuss approach to Anderson’s jest.He tells Toke of the Town:”Mr. Anderson’s amendment is, at best, insensitive to suffering patients, but it’s indicative of what many of our legislators think of medical cannabis,” Steve Sarich of CannaCare told Toke of the Town on Monday morning. “Unfortunately for Mr. Anderson, he’s made a joke of himself with this ridiculous amendment.”Ben Livingston of the Seattle-based Cannabis Defense Coalition was equally unamused.”The former pot smoker may find humor in jokes about the appetite-stimulating properties of cannabis and cancer patients getting the munchies–we admit to making such jokes amongst our friends with cancer and other qualifying illnesses,” Livingston told us, “but wasting state dollars and employee hours with such whimsy seems to trivialize the wasting syndromes and severe nausea that medical cannabis helps alleviate, as well as our state’s budget crisis.”Come on, guys, the least you could do when responding to pot-smoker stereotypes is to giggle uncontrollably around a mouthful of deep-dish. Follow The Daily Weekly on Facebook and Twitter.