On Monday, Mayor Ed Murray made his pick for Seattle’s Chief of

On Monday, Mayor Ed Murray made his pick for Seattle’s Chief of Police: Kathleen O’Toole, a former Boston Police Commissioner with an international track record. If the City Council approves the pick, O’Toole, 60, would become Seattle’s first modern female police chief (Bertha Landes held the post briefly in the ‘20s). As is customary, the mayor’s choice delivered a few soundbites for the press, talking reform, quality of life, and coffee: “We have to acknowledge mistakes of the past.”  “Nobody dislikes rogue cops more than good cops.”  “We have to work tirelessly to restore public trust.”  “Crime and quality of life are at the top of our agenda.”  ”My style is very collaborative. I certainly don’t claim to have all the answers.”  “Prevention and intervention are more important than enforcement.”  “We need to restore department pride.”  “I think we’re on the right track.”  “I don’t drink coffee. I have sensitivity to caffeine. I’ll drink lots of decaf, I promise.”