Now that Rod Blagojevich is officially out of work, the former Illinois

Now that Rod Blagojevich is officially out of work, the former Illinois governor is no doubt scouring Craigslist and our Village Voice classifieds for new work. But before Hot Rod submits his resume to Arby’s for that open night-shift manager position in Decatur, we suggest that he listens to the advice of American newspaperman Horace Greeley (or British pop singer Peter Cox) and Go West.Here in the Emerald City there is a lucrative market for Sally Clark look-alikes. The Seattle City Councilmember can no doubt use a body-double to throw annoying reporters, WMD inspectors and roving street musicians from off her trail. This further proves my suspicion that six decades ago there was a mad scientist operating from a secret island in the Baltic who was bent on creating a master race of helmet-haired politicians through selective breeding. If not, it would be a hell of an idea for a comic book and subsequent Guillermo del Toro directed movie. h/t Christy