news&comment 7Text ColorSwatch/NoneStrokeStyle/$ID/SolidText ColorSwatch/NoneStrokeStyle/$ID/SolidText ColorText ColorText ColorText ColorBAg the Flag


7 Text ColorSwatch/NoneStrokeStyle/$ID/SolidText ColorSwatch/NoneStrokeStyle/$ID/SolidText ColorText ColorText ColorText ColorBAg the Flag

by Kelton Sears | It’s boring,
and it has a slave-owner on it. 
Plus: the future of I-502, and 
gambling on the Mariners.

9 Cheat Wave

by Allegra Abramo | The story behind the struggle to make employers pay workers what they’re owed.

17 Bumbershoot 2014

by SW staff | Picks and profiles to guide you through Seattle’s summer-ending arts orgy, from the Replacements to edible art, film shorts to Luscious Jackson. (See the schedule grid and map on pages 21–24.)


29 Inn Ecstasy

by Nicole Sprinkle | Everyone loves Lummi Island’s boy wonder. Here’s why.

29 | Food News/The weekly dish

31 | The Bar Code

31 | The Food panel


33 Lost in the Woods

by Kelton Sears | A locally made video game contemplates eco-collapse.

33 | The Pick list

35 | Performance

36 | Books & Visual Arts


opening This Week |

Robin Wright

lives forever, Michael Fassbender hides his

handsome face, and a sequel to

The Trip


40 | Film Calendar


The Week Ahead | Shows to see outside of Bumbershoot.


43 | classifieds