Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson makes Washingtonians thankful they don’t live further East.As

Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson makes Washingtonians thankful they don’t live further East.As Joel Connelly at the P-I tells it, Washington Sens. Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell are just “mild about Harry” Reid’s new $849 billion, 10-year health care reform plan that the Senate Majority Leader unveiled last night. Murray says there’s a lot of work left to be done and Cantwell may be bummed because Reid’s bill includes an opt-out provision to the public-option she favors. Ho-hum.But If you’re disappointed in Murray and Cantwell’s less than enthusiastic responses, just be thankful you don’t live in Nebraska. Because as the Huffington Post reports, Cornhusker Democrat Ben Nelson has made it clear he’d be comfortable being the lone donkey party holdout, a move that might allow for a Republican filibuster.Question: Approximately how far away is Lincoln? Totally unrelated follow-up: Is that within range of this homemade catapult and the flaming Weekly distribution box I just put inside of it? Just wonderin’.