One lane reopened late Wednesday morning after all lanes of westbound State Route 18 were closed due to a landslide that occurred in the early hours of Wednesday, March 2, according to the Washington State Department of Transportation.
The landslide took out a barrier on SR 18 between Highway 167 and Weyerhaeuser Way, according to the Valley Regional Fire Authority.
State crews late in the morning reopened the left lane of westbound SR 18 at Peasley Canyon/SR 167, according to the state Department of Transportation. Just before noon, the on ramps from both directions of Highway 167 to westbound SR 18 were reopened. The West Valley Highway on ramp to westbound SR 18 remained closed.
The Washington State Department of Transportation is still assessing the stability of the area. There is no estimation of when all the lanes will reopen, Washington State Patrol Trooper Rick Johnson said.