It’s our fault. Sort of. Speaking before the City Council Wednesday, city

It’s our fault. Sort of. Speaking before the City Council Wednesday, city transportation czar Grace Crunican postulated that the uptick in discrimination complaints filed during the recently transferred Paul Jackson’s tenure as director of the street maintenance division was due in part to post-Snowpacalypse media scrutiny of SDOT’s botched snowstorm response. Said Crunican: “I believe the stress of the media attention gave those that had a problem with Mr. Jackson a reason to voice their opinion of him.”But in Crunican’s estimation, some of those complaints may stem not from Jackson’s reportedly “vindictive” management style but his attempts to improve the efficiency and performance of a division averse to change.”Paul Jackson wasn’t hired for his management style, he was hired to make changes,” said Crunican to members of the Culture, Civil Rights and Personnel Subcommittee (plus a dozing Richard McIver.) “For those people who didn’t want change, I’m sure it felt abrasive.”Meanwhile, Jackson is back in his old post in traffic management, supervising work crews and still collecting the $108,000-per-year salary from his previous position. Yeah, our bad.