
Hemmed in by geography, greenbelts, and growth caps, Seattleites are growing accustomed to living with less spaceand finding it’s not such a bad thing. As the Mini is to the Escalade, as the iPod is to your hulking old ’80s stereo tower (all black slabs and flashing red diodes), so is the sturdy South Seattle bungalow or the cozy Capitol Hill condo to the Sammamish Plateau megamansion. In three words: cool, compact, concise.

Inside, Brian Miller profiles a Fremont town house infill project that illustrates what the city may look like in the decades ahead. Philip Dawdy examines how ossified city zoning policies aren’t keeping up with changing Seattle demographics. And Laura Cassidy cuts to the chase about limited living quarters: You’ve got to shed some stuff to make do with less, but that can be liberating.