In yesterday’s post about McGinn’s support among leaders of the local music industry, I noted that the Stranger was sponsoring a fundraiser next week at the Crocodile that’s being hosted by Seattle music luminary Dave Meinert. The event, raising funds for McGinn, Dow Constantine, and Pete Holmes, was listed on the Stranger’s home page in the box advertising Stranger-sponsored events. And the words “The Stranger Presents” were at the top of the flyer for the event on the Stranger’s ticket-purchasing page. Today, that listing is gone. And “The Stranger Presents” has been stricken from the poster. “At one point we talked about the Stranger presenting it and so that was put into the art,” explained Meinert in an email earlier today. “It is incorrect.” (Oddly, that mistake wasn’t made on any other sites advertising the event, such as the candidates’ own sites and Facebook. Only the Stranger’s–who you’d think would be in the best position to know what they’re sponsoring.) Asked to characterize his paper’s involvement in the event, Stranger publisher Tim Keck replied: “[We] donated a quarter-page ad to the music coalition PAC.” Even for a publication that turned its cover into a campaign sign for McGinn and runs “news” stories with headlines like “Joe Mallahan is an Idiot,” organizing an actual fundraiser for its endorsed candidates seemed like a noteworthy innovation. Maybe next time when Dan runs?