If you’re looking for someone to empower the powerless, look elsewhere.The last

If you’re looking for someone to empower the powerless, look elsewhere.The last time Sen. Val Stevens was making news, it was for a fundraising letter she authored for Protect Marriage Washington, the Mordor of Anti R-71 groups, that equated homosexuals with child molesters. So it’s probably no surprise that, in a test of racial equality administered to all state legislators, Sen. Stevens brought up the rear with a pathetic 19 out of 100.How do you measure “racial equality?” According to the authors at the Northwest Federation of Community Organizations, you tally up how each pol voted on 34 different measures that deal with everything from payday lending, college aid and health care.The Legislature as a whole got a “D.” So it’s not as if Sen. Stevens is an outlier. But when it comes to screwing the little guy, she can definitively say that no one does it better.