For those of you who missed it, Hizzoner gave the city a

For those of you who missed it, Hizzoner gave the city a “B” for its handling of the December snowstorm, which apparently is the new D. And that’s about what I’d give King County Metro this morning after an hour-and-a-half commute into work. Why did it take so long? Who knows. The bus routes looked perfectly clear. But one bus didn’t come after 45 minutes. I took another part of the way there, waited in vain for a second bus to take me the rest of the way, and was walking with a friend I ran into at the bus stop to get her car when we finally caught sight of a yellow and blue vehicle heading downtown. I didn’t, like others, swear off (or at) Metro in December–the delays were understandable given the amount of snow on the ground–but today’s a different story.