Each new iPhone upgrade, each new product cycle, your mom and dad’s

Each new iPhone upgrade, each new product cycle, your mom and dad’s old Magnavox console TV, the dot-matrix printer gathering dust in your basement—where do we take that old shit? As electronic devices become smaller and more powerful, they also proliferate, cluttering our homes with their obsolete predecessors. I have two solutions. First, if the phone or computer works, take it to Fremont’s nonprofit InterConnection (3415 Stone Way N., 633-1517, interconnection.org), which refurbishes old PCs for charities, NGOs, libraries, etc. in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Cameroon, Kenya, and other foreign countries. Closer to home, the rebuilt computers are sold at low cost to needy families and various nonprofits. Its mission is to keep your old PC out of the landfill, but sometimes that can’t be avoided. That’s where SoDo’s Total Reclaim (2200 Sixth Ave. S., 343-7443, totalreclaim.com) comes in. Like other members of King County’s Take It Back Network, by dint of our 2009 law, it’s where you can dump hopelessly broken old electronics, including old monitors and TVs, for free. I like it for the location (not far from Goodwill), and because it’s open seven days including Sunday, when you can finally give that old Kaypro from college the burial it deserves.