As mentioned over on the Voracious blog, I just got back from

As mentioned over on the Voracious blog, I just got back from a trip to Michigan, where it was unseasonably warm — even in the Northwestern corner of the state, where I spent Saturday night in the company of two San Franciscans named Spike and Kitten. We drank bourbon and bowled. The bourbon was supplied by a Harbor Springs bar called The Sassy Loon, which, for my money, is as good as bar names get (as for band names, Genitales From the Crypt is my new fave). So good, in fact, that my bowling partner, ‘Lil Scoop, and I had to buy overpriced Sassy Loon t-shirts on our way out of town the next afternoon. Which begs the question: what is the best bar name in the Seattle area? The nation? The world? Weigh in, amigos.