Ain’t no telling what ex-wives of ex-football greats will do once they

Ain’t no telling what ex-wives of ex-football greats will do once they mount a horse and git along, little doggie on a rodeo trail ride. The former Mrs. Warren Moon was arrested Monday night after a cop saw her and a guy named James Thomas engaging in a sexual act in a trail-ride camp outside of Hockley, Texas, about 36 miles northwest of Houston.The 55-year-old Felicia Moon, whose 21-year marriage to University of Washington star, ex-Seahawk, and Hall of Fame quarterback Warren Moon ended in 2002, was charged with public lewdness — as was her riding companion — and released from a Texas jail this morning after posting a $500 bond.There are reports that Thomas has been a trail rider for several years.The trail boss, Nannie Francies, said she didn’t think what Moon and Thomas are accused of was anything to make a fuss about. “Well, they were out on the field, so whatever,” she told KHOU. “I don’t see it as a big deal. When people go out on the trail, people tend to do what they want to do.”Our sister paper, the

Houston Press, posted on its blog today about the incident. Felicia and Warren had a sometimes-stormy marriage, the paper reports. They were married in 1981 and divorced 21 years later. Moon was arrested for assaulting her at one point, but she refused to press charges. The Fort Bend County DA went ahead with the case anyway, and the quarterback was acquitted of a misdemeanor.Mrs. Moon has been active in church activities. According to one profile:Felicia took her blend of faith and courage along with her tragedies and famous name and turned it into Exhibit Hope. Hope for others, that there is a tomorrow and that there is something better for all of us and she is the example. Her message through is “Never give up, there is always hope, no matter how ugly . . . there is always hope in Jesus.” This is where Felicia Moon is!Her Valentine’s Day message on her FB page:Happy Valentine’s Day to all of the REAL MEN who know how to show love to their lady 365 days a year. You are a rare jewel. I hope she appreciates you.Follow The Daily Weekly on Facebook and Twitter.