After one of Curtis Walker’s buddies was shot outside of a Skyway

After one of Curtis Walker’s buddies was shot outside of a Skyway apartment complex, the 35-year-old ex-con went looking for revenge. He thought he’d found it when he spotted a kid in a blue coat standing outside of a 7-Eleven. Instead, what he actually found was an innocent victim, 12-year-old Alajaway Brown, whom he allegedly shot and killed on April 29.Cops say Alajawan Brown was a victim of mistaken identity.After shooting Brown, Walker got into a black Cadillac driven by a friend. He told the friend that he’d shot the boy out of retaliation. Then the two got into an accident just a couple blocks later. After Walker fled the scene, police traced the Cadillac’s license and found it was registered under Walker’s wife’s name. Later, a witness spotted Walker dumping something in a field. When cops showed up they recovered three guns, including the .38 revolver ballistics later tied to the Brown shooting.Walker later that told his father the killing was “on the Bloods,” a reference to his gang. He has a number of past convictions for assault and gun violations and is currently being held on $5 million bail for the charge of first-degree murder.