When was the last time you heard of a hip-hop show that

When was the last time you heard of a hip-hop show that was also a pajama party? The genre can be way too masculine for its own good sometimes so I’m glad to live in a town where artists like THEE Satisfaction are becoming a legitimately buzzed about group. I just watched that duo play a funked out set of music a couple of nights ago at the Funhouse and they actually remind me a little bit of Betty Davis. They challenge social norms, sex roles, and homophobia within hip-hop — not by making grand statements — but just by being themselves and making undeniably good music. THEE Satisfaction is performing again tonight at the Rendezvous, and they’ve got Canary Sing opening up and DJ B-Girl on the 1s and 2s. Julie C. of the Knox Family is hosting and it’s going to be an all female night of music. That’s not to say that guys aren’t welcome. All of the artists taking the stage tonight are impressive in their own ways so go check out the show. It’s $5 if you show up in pajamas, $8 without pjs.