True confession: I generally read blogs because I have to keep up

True confession: I generally read blogs because I have to keep up with what’s going on culturally, not because I enjoy them very much. I rather sink my teeth into a longer print feature (or just gaze at smart smut) any day than work my way through a torrent of bitter comments splattered underneath someone’s half-baked, clever-cruel thoughts. Shit just gets ugly too fast.But every once in a great while, I come across a blog that I immediately bookmark for future reading, and today former Sleater-Kinney guitarist Carrie Brownstein gave me an excellent reason to do just that. Who knows how things will evolve, but what she says in her introductory post struck me as damn refreshing:”My hopes for Monitor Mix are that it will be descriptive as opposed to merely prescriptive. I would rather discuss and examine what it is that people actually consume than to tell you what you should be listening to. There are already plenty of great blogs and online resources that tell us what the best new music is or that unearth rarities and lost classics. Though I might occasionally review a piece of music, I would rather explore the contexts and the ways in which we enjoy or maybe even despise it.”Perhaps it’s not perceived freshness, but sheer vanity on my part, since that’s often (but not always) what I aim for in my column. Regardless, I like her attitude. Gimme more.