Sisters of MercyDuff McKagan’s column runs every Thursday on Reverb. He writes

Sisters of MercyDuff McKagan’s column runs every Thursday on Reverb. He writes about what music is circulating through his space every Monday (unless Monday is a holiday).Sometimes it is okay to go a bit goth. There was a time in the very late 70’s through the 80’s that Goth music and its offshoots were some of the most creative causeways in rock and roll. I back it. This goes out as a birthday well wish to Marybeth (or whatever the heck you call yourself here!).Sisters Of Mercy, “This Corrosion” (Floodland, 1987): Down in LA, there were really happening rock discos that would have been so happening if they didn’t play their fair share of SOM (Scream, and The Cathouse). If you are a newcomer, then welcome!New Model Army, “Lights Go Out” (The Ghosts Of Cain, 1988): Kick ass and rather snappy at times, NMA took the musings of bands like Wire and Magazine, and went a bit further. Still sounds great and forward-thinking today!The Dreaming, “Make It Go Away” (Etched In Blood, 2008): I must admit that I was not so aware of these guys. The singer from Stabbing Westward got himself a heavier band and got real, real dark and very gothic. Cool with me!