One of the city’s most forward-thinking rap talent’s at the moment is

One of the city’s most forward-thinking rap talent’s at the moment is GMK. When I first wrote about his latest project, Songs For Bloggers, a little over a month ago, what impressed me the most was the way that GMK was embracing the internet age and making music to meet people’s curtailed attention spans. There’s nothing wrong with short, sweet, digestible tracks that people enjoy in under two minutes or less. His lead producer is Vitamin D’s younger brother and the music they’re making together is some of the most 2012 shit out there. Today, some other newspaper across town even named GMK one of the best local hip-hop artists of the year. The buzz is well-earned and GMK is performing tonight at Nectar. He’s got a three piece band playing behind him and it’s actually his birthday. Stop by and say hello if you’re in Fremont.