MSU at KEXP earlier this year.I extolled the sonic virtues of local

MSU at KEXP earlier this year.I extolled the sonic virtues of local punk two-piece Mobile Slaughter Unit throughout 2009; now I just hope they start getting the larger audience they deserve in 2010. Drummer Violet Strychnine is always a delight to watch, throttling her drums and singing her little lungs out like a woman possessed. While she’s busy personifying MSU’s self-chosen motto as Seattle’s “premier, pre-op, post-punk band,” guitarist/vocalist Roddy Chops holds down the lower registers with a booming voice highly reminiscent of Big Business/Karp leader Jared Warren (there’s definitely a little undercurrent of Ian McKaye in there as well). If anything can keep you warm tonight, it’s the inferno these two build every time they play live. They’re headlining a four-band bill at the Comet tonight that also includes Cold Cold Ground and the Keeper–and cover is a measly $5. Should you require further convincing, pop over to their MySpace page and check out the song “Eschaton.”