Long-time Seattle crate digger DJ Supreme La Rock is starting a new

Long-time Seattle crate digger DJ Supreme La Rock is starting a new club night on Thursdays that sounds like it should be a heck of a party. Tomorrow night is the kick-off and I’ve got a feeling Supreme is going to be going hard on the turntables to make sure people start coming on a regular basis. Anybody that’s familiar with Supreme knows he’s got one of the most extensive record collections in the city. He’s been collecting seriously since ’89/90 and probably has all of the records in his house that your favorite DJs are still trying to find online. About two weeks ago, he told me that he was starting up a new club night at Chapel focusing on rare breaks, mash-ups, and electro. I’m hoping to pass through there tomorrow just to see what the vibe is like. Thursday can be a crowded night for club nights in this town so he’s going to have to work hard to compete with places like Venom, War Room, and Moe Bar. If you’re a fan of his already popular club nights at See Sound and Heavens, come out to Chapel tomorrow night and support him