In last week’s Industrial Noise column I talked about Sub Pop’s decision

In last week’s Industrial Noise column I talked about Sub Pop’s decision to stick with eMusic, and label founder Jonathan Poneman’s lukewarm response to the idea of selling merch that comes with music rather than music that comes with merch, telling me: “I was going to offer you an original pressing of ‘Love Buzz’ b/w ‘Big Cheese’ by Nirvana, but I have this key chain for you instead…” Well, on Monday night Summer Robinson, the owner of Pilot Books on Capitol Hill took things to the next level.Robinson meets with a writing group at her shop every week, for a discussion/workshop/chat led by Tom Debeauchamp, who brings in props from which the group creates cut-up and omission-style found poems. This weeks prop was local newspapers. Robinson decided to, um, make herself a key chain (pictured above), culled from Industrial Noise.Hey, we knew that key chains could help save the music industry, but we never expected they’d do the same for newspapers.