If you weren’t able to make it to Georgetown for yesterday’s big

If you weren’t able to make it to Georgetown for yesterday’s big Artopia event, you missed out on some amazing action.The Georgetown Music Festival was in full swing with inspiring performances by Victor Shade and a bubblelicious set by the Pink Snowflakes, among many others.Art vendors sold stylish second-hand goods, hand-made jewelry and, of course, lots of art. From one-of-a-kind pen and ink drawings to limited-edition wood block prints, the variety was astounding. Open studios in the old Rainier Brewery showcased installations, vibrant paintings and craft goods.And everyone was blessed by flyovers of all kids of vintage planes buzzing over on takeoff and landing from Boeing Field. From old bombers to Navy Harrier jets, you’d have sworn Seafair had started already!If you weren’t able to make it to Artopia, you missed a great time, but our slideshow of the action gives a great feel of the carnival that was Artopia.