I’d be singing the praises of tomorrow’s first Thursday exhibit A Thousand

I’d be singing the praises of tomorrow’s first Thursday exhibit A Thousand Notes even if it wasn’t obviously straight outta the conflict of interest/nepotism department – but in the interest of transparency- I’ll proudly out my relation to the folks below. . . FeelRoyal (my brother Sean) along with Blush Photo and Renee McMahon – three local innovators behind the lens- will display a selection of works that capture artists, bands and musicians both on and off stage from Kanye West to Fleet Foxes (fronted by my other brother, Robin). Take a detour from all the hoity-toity overpriced glass sculptures and Monet rip-offs that dominate the Pioneer Square first Thursday and take in some works of the less-stuffy variety while stuffing your face with free snacks and beer! A Thousand Notes FeelRoyal, BlushPhoto, Renee McMahon Thursday, December 7 6-8 pm Gibson Guitar Showroom 159 S Jackson St. Suite 330