Folk seem to be pretty excited over this Coachella business. I’m sorry,

Folk seem to be pretty excited over this Coachella business. I’m sorry, but a Rage Against the Machine reunion is not enough to make me want to spend three days in the goddamn desert. Jesus and Mary Chain…maybe. But doubtful. As for the rest of the bands…I’ll wait to see them here in our lovely clubs. However, I’ve been thinking of what acts I would be willing to travel down there for…that is, acts that wouldn’t involve resurrections of Hank Williams, Danny Whitten, and Rob Tyner and Fred “Sonic” Smith.I figured them out:1. Bob Dylan reunites with Levon Helm, Robbie Robertson, and Garth Hudson. 2. Roger McGuinn and Chris Hillman performing The Notorious Byrd Brothers in its entirety.3. The original TAD lineup.4. Dead Kennedys5. Journey with Steve Perry (oh c’mon…it’s just as ridiculous as getting excited over a Rage reunion!)Any others?