Duff McKagan’s column runs every Thursday on Reverb. He writes about what

Duff McKagan’s column runs every Thursday on Reverb. He writes about what music is circulating through his space every Monday.Dio, “The Last In Line,” Last In Line, 1984: My part in this “summer music playlist” it is going to be a touch bittersweet as it turns out. Last weekend, Ronnie James Dio succumbed to his battle with stomach cancer. From what I understand, Ronnie fought like a warrior to the end.I was supposed to pick a new-ish song for this list, but when it comes to rocking out in the summertime, sometimes you just got to go a little bit old-damn-school. “Last In Line” is an ass-kicker right up there with anything, punk, rock, and/or metal, and us rockers owe a bit of reverence to this great man. R.I.P., RJD!