As Hannah Levin wrote over the weekend, our very own Mudhoney had a cameo in the Chris Farley/David Spade/Gary Busey flick Black Sheep. And yes, it is awesome.Not long ago, I posted a handful of YouTube clips of musicians as guest stars on television shows (Sammy Davis, Jr on All In the Family, Stevie Wonder on the Cosby Show, etc.) The combination of my post and Hannah’s had me thinking about that other music-film-crossover phenomenon: Musicians Starring As Versions Of Themselves In Films Sorta Based On Their Life. I’m not talking about The Monkees’ Head, or any of the Beatles films, or Purple Rain. I’m talking about the movies we scoff at upon release, but come to appreciate later in life with great irony after stumbling across them while flipping through cable TV on a dull Saturday afternoon. You know the movies I’m talking about…This is the stuff that makes me proud to live in the U.S.A. Note: Plenty were left off this list, obviously. Eminem in 8 Mile, George Strait in Pure Country, Willie Nelson in The Songwriter, Kid n’ Play in Class Act, Brittany Spears in Crossroads, etc, etc, etc. Not to mention the gangster rap films like Nas and DMX in Belly and oh so many others.