“A lot of people’s girlfriends are in there.” -the New YorkerLook at these guys! You don’t have to be Sasha Frere-Jones to know that these dudes party hard, have a sweet van (I’ve partied in it–it’s awesome!), and score mad groupie love from Vashon Island to the 9th Ward. Look at that skull! And those shades! And the cowboy hat! Ladies, try to compose yourselves.And! But! So! The Pharmacy’s infamous road doggin’ ways have in fact landed them in no less highbrow a publication than The New Yorker’s “Goings On About Town,” along with personal skuzz pop punk faves Japanther. To wit (emphasis mine):The Pharmacy is an off-kilter ensemble from Seattle that has gained notoriety in warehouses and house parties across the country. Their music is frank, party-oriented garage rock, but it’s mostly an excuse to get the trio out on the road; you’d be hard pressed to find another group as firmly committed to rock and roll as a way of life, and they boast a transnational faction of female devotees to prove it.Dudes, Wallace Shawn’s dad basically just called you mega-studs! Inconceivable! I hope that Pharmacy stocks BIRTH CONTROL. Etc.Anyway, when the guys are able to tear themselves away from the nubiles, they record an album every once in a while; their latest, Dig Yr Grave is out February 3rd via Park the Van Records–look for a review of it in next month’s Reverb Monthly, which hits the streets February 1st.Japanther’s latest Beet Limes and Rice came out last year, but no one sent me a promo copy, I couldn’t figure out who was handling their publicity, and then I totally forgot all about it until just now. I’ll go check for it on Megaupload. (GOOD NIGHT, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!)