Starting April 1st, Library.Study.Lounge, the bar at Madison Park Conservatory, will be

Starting April 1st, Library.Study.Lounge, the bar at Madison Park Conservatory, will be open for business on Monday nights. In honor of the extended hours, MPC is putting out an Awkward Family Photos-style call for entries: Bring in a framed photo of yourself from the good old day: As the press release puts it, those, “chilling reminders of the acid-washed, faux-hawked, party-in-the-front- business-in-the-back younger years.” In return, your mug will permanently grace a Library.Study.Lounge wall. Plus, you’ll earn half off your bill.

The offer applies to the first 51 folks to bring in a framed photo on a Monday night in April. Located at 1927 43rd Ave. E, Library.Study.Lounge will be open from 5 to 9 p.m. Mondays. Happy hour will run Monday through Saturday from 5 to 6 p.m.

In other news, a coffee plant inside Victrola’s cupping room is managing to produce beans. As CHS reports, the plant has grown from 5 to 10-feet tall indoors in the past couple of years–not an easy task outside of coffee-growing regions. This year, the arabica tree produced coffee cherries roaster Perry Hook went on to dry and roast in a micro-batch.