Sorry kids, it’s time to throw it out.The last remnants of Thanksgiving

Sorry kids, it’s time to throw it out.The last remnants of Thanksgiving are still packing the refrigerators of those of us beloved by our parents enough (read: pathetic enough) that they gave us all the leftovers to take home after the holiday. For everyone thinking about squeezing one more sandwich out of it, the state Department of Health says don’t.The Health Department recommends only keeping cooked food around for three to five days after you take it out of the oven. “Now that today’s Friday and it’s been eight days since Thanksgiving, it’s probably time to get rid of the leftovers,” says Food Safety Manager David Gifford. Gifford says that if you froze the meat within the three to five days it should be fine to heat up later. But anything that you’re still pulling out of the fridge should go. “Don’t buy such a big turkey next year,” Gifford adds.