Serve chilled, then chill.?I’d seen marijuana soda pops online a couple of

Serve chilled, then chill.?I’d seen marijuana soda pops online a couple of times, and knew they were available. I was curious. From the moment I saw a bottle of Green Lady soda pop at Natures Resource Center, located in Tacoma’s Freighthouse Square, I knew it was definitely coming home with me. I was undeterred even by the price: 10 bucks a bottle.Budtender Cat told me the Green Lady is best served very chilled, and that many patients drink only half the soda at the time. So once I got back home, I refrigerated the soda overnight. I even considered (for about three seconds) splitting it into two portions.Green Lady smells subtly of vegetable matter, but this ain’t no V-8. A strong essence of cannabis is obvious from the very first experimental sip. My first thought, “This thing isn’t going to win any taste awards,” was followed not very long after by “Wait a minute, it’s not so bad.” By the end of the bottle, I was not only getting used to the taste, but the effects–a softening of the world’s harsh edges, an inner glow, and pain receding to the background of consciousness–were already setting in.Since the soda was in a brown bottle, I wondered how it would look undisguised. Pouring it into a glass revealed a cloudy blue-green color, about halfway between Windex and Mountain Dew, but more fun than either.Green Lady soda is available at several dispensaries in Seattle and Tacoma; the price seems to vary between $6 and $10 a bottle. I got mine at Natures Resource Center, first floor at Freighthouse Square, 602 E. 25th Street, Tacoma, open 10-7 Monday through Saturday and noon to 5 on Sundays. Medical authorization and Washington ID are required.For more information about Natures Resource Center, call 253-572-5544 or visit