photo courtesy Joshua HustonI spent almost a week thinking about the dish

photo courtesy Joshua HustonI spent almost a week thinking about the dish pictured above. Dreaming about it. Wondering how one small plate could contain so much goodness.I only ate it once (mostly out of fear that trying it a second time could only bring disappointment) and, at the time, it didn’t look quite so centerfold-ready as this one does. But it was an amazing plate–one of the best apps I’ve had in as long as I can remember.So now the question is, can you guess what it is. And more to the point, can you guess where I’m eating?Clues after the jump…I know that this picture doesn’t give a lot away. It’s the kind of thing that you either know (because you’ve eaten it, and recently) or don’t (because you haven’t). So with that in mind, here’s a couple clues.Clue #1:Everything tastes better by candlelight.Clue #2:These pictures were obviously taken during daylight hours. But this place really only gets going once the sun goes down.Clue #3:The windows here have one of the most unique views of any restaurant in the city.