On Tuesday, July 19, Food Network will air a new show titled Monster Kitchen, and I’m on it. The show centers around a grudge match between two Los Angeles chefs: Eric Greenspan of The Foundry on Melrose and Michael Fiorelli of mar’sel. They put their egos on the line in a battle for doughnut supremacy, and in this case, size does matter. Both chefs call on a food geek (me and Jeff Potter, the author of the fabulous book Cooking for Geeks) and a pastry chef (Michelle Cozens and Amy Brown) to help them pull off the challenge. I haven’t yet seen the show, but I can tell you that the competition is fierce. Making a gigantic doughnut requires some clever engineering, a ton of work, and a whole lotta frosting. Tune in to Food Network Tuesday, July 19 at 9 p.m. to see what happens!Follow Voracious on Twitter and Facebook.