Last stop for carbs.The Place: It’s not like there’s a dearth of

Last stop for carbs.The Place: It’s not like there’s a dearth of donut and bagel makers in Seattle. Finding a wheel-shaped carb shouldn’t be a problem. But somehow, there I was staring into the darkness of the Dahlia Bakery in South Lake Union on a Saturday morning, salivating at the thought of the famous bag of donuts. (“Fucking awesome!” declared one Yelp reviewer.)In a rush to catch a ferry, we had to move on. Then there was an early weekday-morning trip to the Madison Park Bakery. The stools were all up on the tables, not a person in sight. Desperate for a baked good, any baked good, I passed a sign for Ines Patisserie in Madison Valley declaring it “Open.” It wasn’t.Ready to just give up, I stopped in at Katy’s Corner Cafe (2000 E. Union, 329-0121) for coffee. Behind a sticker-covered counter I saw bags of bagels. “Who makes your bagels?” I asked.”It’s a place called Blazing Bagels,” the woman behind the counter responded. Those guys are everywhere.The Hole: I’ve made much of Blazing Bagels’ pizza/jalapeno/cheesy varieties. But the only options Katy’s served were everything, sesame, and plain. I decided to see how Blazing executes on something with fewer bells and whistles.The Shit: If I want to have anything I desire available at all times of day or night, I should probably move to New York. But I still can’t quite figure out why so very many doors were closed around our fair city at what I assumed to be pretty standard coffee-and-donuts hours. Maybe it’s on us carbohydrates-seekers to do a better job of stopping in more often to encourage bakery doors to stay open more days and hours.Luckily Blazing Bagels is pretty much ubiquitous at this point, and does good work. While the plain bagel with cream cheese wasn’t as exciting as the pepperoni-pizza bagel, it wasn’t a bad execution. The inside stayed chewy, even with a toasting. It wasn’t the most flavorful bagel, but with a name like “plain,” what can you really expect?As this pretty much exhausts my ability to continue writing about Blazing Bagels, I’ll have to start doing a better job of hunting down open hours everywhere else.Thanks for the memories, Blazing.Follow Voracious on Twitter and Facebook.