It’s the end of an era: After serving homemade Greek pastries and

It’s the end of an era: After serving homemade Greek pastries and savories on the Ave. for decades, The Continental is shutting its doors. The owners report via Facebook that, “After 40+ years of business, amazing friendships & delicious Lagosmade meals, we are bowing out so that Demetre & the fam can have some rest & relaxation with their families.” You have through the weekend to bid farewell: The Continental shutters after dinner service this Sunday night.

In case you missed it, Beth Maxey’s article, “How to Eat a Croissant” in last week’s Seattle Weekly food section includes interviews with Nohra Belaid from Ines Patisserie and Jojo Corvaia from Arabica Lounge. One reader took issue with an interviewee’s claim that croissants and sandwiches don’t mix:

Dear Editor,

As a lover of sandwiches and croissants, I took exception to your “rule” saying that such a fine pastry should never, ever be used for a sandwich. The very idea that there are “rules” to enjoying a pastry is ludicrous. If you prefer your croissant plain, then more power to you, but if you want to pimp it out with turkey, ham, pastrami or other delicious meats then I say go ahead and eat it proudly!


Andrew J. Lepere

Seattle, WA

Check out the whole article over here. We may be noshing on more croissants than ever in this town, but do you think there’s one right way to eat them?