It’s gotten so difficult to order just a smoothie. They’re all packed

It’s gotten so difficult to order just a smoothie. They’re all packed with probiotics, vitamins and immune-system boosters, or hemp seeds and antioxidant superfoods.Homestyle Hong Kong Cafe’s smoothies have purity of intent. The one in my hand above contains four ingredients. Ice and chunks of mango are churned in an industrial-strength blender that reduces them to mere molecules — the ice crystals barely prickle as they go down, making it easy to suck down a few ice cubes in one go, causing all the blood vessels in your brain to flush protectively. The cooks pour this pale-yellow puree over thick, sweet coconut milk mixed with tiny sago pearls (sago, a tropical starch, resembles tapioca). These aren’t anything like the marble-sized pellets of the boba tea era, but tiny, silky balls that bubble up through the straw and melt away as you swallow. To combine the two layers, you have to move your straw up and down as you suck, looking a little like a slide-flute player (though hopefully not like this slide-flute player).