I’d tried this recipe before with somewhat disastrous results. First, I used egg whites instead of egg yokes, as is called for. AND, I trusted the recipe online, which is WRONG, or at least misleading. (You’ll notice a “1” in front of several ingredients that don’t need it. 1 1/2 cup cup egg yolks, for example, should only be 1/2 cup egg yolks.)But, the recipe was only the first part of my problem.I tried to fry these babies using a ton of canola oil in my cast-iron skillet on the stove top. Bad idea. Maybe I just had the heat up too high, but when that oil hits the air it burns your eyes to death. What was meant to be an impressive breakfast for my mother in law turned into a full-scale evacuation.But, I learned my lesson. I dug up the printed recipe, and I retrieved my portable fryer that I was re-gifted and then re-gifted again, and set it up outside. The end result was pretty good, if I do say so myself. However, while the recipe calls for the use of confectioners sugar (aka powdered sugar), I strongly suggest mixing together some regular sugar with some cinnamon in a paper bag and shaking your donuts (and holes) in it, much like they do at the Daily Dozen in the Market. The powdered sugar turned goopier than I’d like, while the cinnamon sugar donuts made or a heavenly breakfast treat. Of course, I’m pretty partial to plain donuts, myself, and took down a rather large one (pictured above) for breakfast.