Woven Hand

Friday, January 16

David Eugene Edwards, modern descendent of several respectable touring bands such as 16 Horsepower, has finally come into his own as Woven Hand, a dramatic, driving departure tinged with gothic Gregorian monk-like chanting and dark Appalachian undertones. A sound that refuses to be classified simply as “evil bluegrass,” it’s so tempting that you won’t even notice Edwards is singing about God most of the time. Backed by virtuoso-caliber touring musicians and still toting along that concertina, Edwards is still capable of the electrifying live shows that established him in the murky waters of mid-90’s alternative. He’s supported by Silver Summit, a menagerie of talented, gorgeous psychedelic wunderkinds from Brooklyn that found a way to cohesively blend their cellos, mandolins, guitars and backing vocals underneath the ethereal, meditative commands and requests of vocalist Sondra Ow Sun-Odeon. Their stage presence will demand your attention; their music will keep it.

Fri., Jan. 16, 9:30 p.m., 2009