Valentine’s Day at Salty’s

If you need to impress someone from out of town, or are from out of town yourself, Salty’s happy hour is a smart bet for a visually-stunning Valentine’s Day date (granted you are not trying to impress an interior designer). What you’ll both notice, and what Salty’s is famous for, is the view. It is, unarguably, the best view of the city for dining. Directly across from downtown, Salty’s 180 degrees of windows show off everything that makes Seattle one of the most beautiful cities in the world – cloudy skies included. Prepared for Valentine’s Day, Salty’s features a special menu with drinks such as “French Kiss.” Singles get their share of the fun, too–February 9th Salty’s hosts their “Screw Valentine’s Day, Singles Mixer in the Bar.” ZIBBY WILDER

Tue., Feb. 14, 2012